Anglais Empty family, the

À propos

'I imagined lamplight, shadows, soft voices, clothes put away, the low sound of late news on the radio. And I thought as I crossed the bridge at Baggot Street to face the last stretch of my own journey home that no matter what I had done, I had not done that.' In the captivating stories that make up The Empty Family Colm Tóibín delineates with a tender and unique sensibility lives of unspoken or unconscious longing, of individuals, often willingly, cast adrift from their history.

From the young Pakistani immigrant who seeks some kind of permanence in a strange town to the Irish woman reluctantly returning to Dublin and discovering a city that refuses to acknowledge her long absence each of Tóibín's stories manage to contain whole worlds: stories of fleeing the past and returning home, of family threads lost and ultimately regained.

  • Auteur(s)

    Colm Tóibín

  • Éditeur

    Adult Pbs

  • Distributeur


  • Date de parution


  • EAN


  • Disponibilité


  • Longueur

    19.8 cm

  • Largeur

    12.9 cm

  • Épaisseur

    1.4 cm

  • Poids

    159 g

  • Support principal

    Grand format

Colm Tóibín

  • Naissance : 1-1-1995
  • Age : 30 ans
  • Pays : Irlande

Colm Tóibín est né en 1955 à Enniscorthy en Irlande. Son premier roman, Désormais notre exil, reçoit en 1991 l'Irish Times Literary Prize, tandis que La Bruyère incendiée est couronnée en 1992 par l'Encore Award pour le meilleur second roman. Suivront notamment : Histoire de la nuit, Le Bateau-phare de Blackwater, Le Maître, L'Épaisseur des âmes, un recueil de nouvelles, et Brooklyn.
